
How to Write for the Web

Most of us keep a website updated each day, simply by logging onto Facebook and sharing the latest video of a cat attacking a printer. With software such as Business Edit, it is also easy for anyone to put content on a website.  

However writing for a website is a lot different to other types of media such as a letter or article. Generally, when writing for a web page it is expected that there would be less content written than if the same subject was going to be created for a printed article.

On the web, people often expect to find the information quickly and don’t necessarily expect to read a long page online.  When it is required for a lot of text to be put online then it is sometimes better to have a shorter web page which then links to a full version in a PDF or Word format. If you do have a long web page then you may want to use anchor links to allow people to jump to a certain section on the website.

To help people read the content better on their browser or smartphone it is helpful to use paragraphs effectively to break up the content and include at least one photo.  

If you need further help or advice on creating your business website then contact a member of the Business Edit team who are happy to provide help and support. You can email us on or call us on 0121 651 1120.

First published on: 21st April 2017
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